John Deere Construction 6135CI550 Specifications & Technical Data (2019-2025)

The John Deere Construction 6135CI550 is a machine component manufactured since 2019. It has a displacement of 13.5 liters and wei…

The John Deere Construction 6135CI550 is a machine component manufactured since 2019. It has a displacement of 13.5 liters and weighs 1500 kilograms. With 6 cylinders and a bore of 132 mm, it has a stroke of 165 mm. The engine produces a maximum torque of 1986 Nm and operates at a maximum power of 448 kW. Its minimum power output is 309 kW, and it operates at a speed of 2100 RPM.

Technical specs - 6135CI550 John Deere Construction


Notice: Every data listed is verified by LECTURA Specs team experts. However, incomplete data and mistakes might occur. Contact our team with any change suggestion.

No. of cylinders
13.5 l
min. Power
309 kW
max. Power
448 kW
Max. torque
2750 Nm
Tier Max.
Tier 4 f / V
1500 kg
132 mm
165 mm

More technical details, like: tier min., type of cooling, alternative name, model series are available in the full technical specs.

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